A loan helped to buy crates of soft drinks in a large quantity to sell for the festive season.

Momoh's story

This is 28-year-old Momoh. He is married and has 2 children aged 5 and 7 years old. He has one additional dependent living with him. In 2007, Momoh established his provisions and drinks business. He began his business because he could not continue in school as there was no money. Working 7 days a week and 12 hours a day, he earns about Le 1,000,000 every month from his business.

Momoh would like a loan in the amount of Le 5,000,000 to buy more crates of soft drinks to store as the year is approaching the festive seasons. In the future, Momoh plans to become an international business man and supply other business men and women. He thanks you for your support.

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