A loan helped to buy cement, sand, stone blocks, zinc metal, tie wire, support beams for the concrete and pay for the cost of labor.

Griselda Del Socorro's story

Griselda is 24 years old and has worked in a pizzeria as a receptionist for about two years. She is single and does not have children yet.

She is asking for help with her first loan through AFONDENIC and Kiva in order to improve the condition of the kitchen in her mother's house, since right now it is in very bad shape. She would like to help her mom, and to do so she needs to buy cement, sand, stone blocks, zinc metal, tie wire, support beams for the concrete, and pay for the cost of labor.

She is very grateful for the help that she has been given, since it is very important that she and her mother live in better circumstances.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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