A loan helped a member to buy chicken, meat, dairy products, corn, soft-drinks, corn, beans, sugar and others.

Gs 7 De Mayo Group's story

Paula is a very hardworking woman who is dedicated to her work. She lives with her husband and has three children who are now adults and help her out economically.

Paula has a business in a neighborhood in south Honduras. For more than 15 years now she’s been a grocer.

Paula needs the loan to buy chicken, meat, dairy products, soft-drinks, corn, beans, sugar and others. The loan will help her have fresh capital to invest since she works with loans because she sells on credit in her store.

Paula’s dream is that her business will be more stable so that she can earn more income and have a better life.

Mariana has sold meat and groceries in the Guasaule customs for more than 14 years; she currently lives with her husband and María has been selling fruit and vegetables for more than 15 years and is the mother of three children; she lives with her husband at present.

Choluteca, Honduras - July, 2012

In this group: Paula Petrona, Maria, Mariana

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Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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