A loan helped to purchase sweets, drinks, and fruit.

Jacinta Lucia's story

At 45 years old Jacinta has achieved some of her dreams such as helping her children with their education, improving her home, and maintaining her business. Jacinta has been selling sweets, drinks and candy for more than 15 years. She began selling sweets and little by little her business improved. She discloses that she is currently also offering fruit juices since her main customers travel to the center of the country. Jacinta is the mother of 4 children, currently she continues supporting 2 of them. In the future she hopes to finish constructing her home. She is asking for a loan to use to buy sweets, drinks, and fruit and thus to be able to serve her customers. Jacinta is happy and grateful for the help provided.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Gail LeGrand.

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