A loan helped a member to buy fertilizers for her farmland.

Sophorn's Group's story

Sophorn is 48 years old and a married mother of three children, two of whom are dependent on her and are still in school in the local area of the Dambae district of Kampong Cham province, Cambodia. To make a living, she and her husband have been involved in cassava and bean planting as the main source of the family’s income for 10 years. She can earn on average KHR 17,000 per day to meet her family's daily needs. However, the low price of cassavas still is the main challenge for her.

Sophorn’s group consists of two members, who have been with VisionFund for two cycles. She has completely paid the past loans back and has successfully used the loans to relieve the family’s burden and save for her children’s education. Now she and the other member are applying for a loan with VisionFund of KHR 1,400,000 each. Sophorn, who is the group leader, will use her portion to buy fertilizers for her farmland. She hopes to earn more income from the current business in order to lift her family out of poverty.

In this group: Sophorn, Chatrey

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