A loan helped a member to buy more fishes for selling.

Phal's Group's story

Phal is 50 years old and a married mother of five children, one daughter of whom is dependent on her and still in school.

She has struggled to feed her children by selling fishes in the local area. Phal has been in this business for 15 years and she is able to earn approximately KHR 388,900 per day from her current business.

Phal is leading her group to apply for a loan with VisionFund. Her group consists of three members who live in the same village in Battambang province’s Ek Phnom district of Cambodia. She has been with Kiva's partner, VisionFund, for six cycles. For the other members, this is the first and the sixth cycle.

She will use her portion to buy more fishes for selling. She hopes this loan will enable her to increase her family's income in order to improve her lifestyle and keep her daughter in school.

In this group: Phal, Sreymom, Hoeurn

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details