A loan helped a member to buy three bags of rice at 13,500 West African francs and a bag of sugar at 30,000 francs.

Bougnadou Group's story

This [group] has been created on December 12, 2011, the day the local banc villageois was opened. The group is now composed of 21 women who have a strong sense of solidarity and all live in the same village. Most of them work as vendors. Mrs. Fatoumata (seated on the far right raising her right hand) is a star borrower. She is 20 years old and married, without children. She manages a store in the village. With this loan, she will buy three bags of rice at 13,500 West African francs and a bag of sugar at 30,000 francs. The resale price of these products is 360 and 650 West African francs per kilogram, respectively. This new loan will allow her to purchase in high quantity and thus save on the cost of multiple trips. The revenues derived from her business will allow her to build up her savings, with the future goal of getting bigger loans, being able to better finance her business and improving her life conditions.

In this group: Ramatoulaye, Mouskeba, Niana, Diontang, Ntoty, Fatou, Sounkarba, Banna, Anta, Mouskoye, Fatoumata Binta, Satou, Kitime, Moussolouba, Kany, Dienaba, Satou, Kady, Mouskeba, Yaye, Sire

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Katharina S.

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