A loan helped a member to cultivate her rice field, buy fertilizers for her crops and pay labor fees.

Soun's Group's story

Soun, age 42, is married and has four children. Three of her children stay with the family and earn money as paid workers.

To help support the family's daily living costs, Soun has been farming rice for approximately 20 years. Although her children have incomes, the family still does not have enough food.

Soun has been with VisionFund for three loan cycles. Her group member has been with VisionFund for four loan cycles.

They are now requesting another loan after completely paying their previous loans. As the group leader, Soun will use a portion of the loan to cultivate her rice field, buy fertilizers for her crops and pay labor fees. She hopes this loan will enable her family to enjoy better living conditions.

In this group: Soun, Mao

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details