A loan helped to purchase raw materials needed to make snacks and cook food.

Rosita's story

Rosita is 49 years old and already a widow. Her husband passed away in 2006 and she was left with their two children. Her daughter Cheryl is 21 years old and Maricris is 19 years old. They live in Barangay San Rafael (Cabisera 17-21), Ilagan, a rural and mountainous village.

Rosita manages a school canteen during school days and sells snacks in their village on weekends and during summer. She has been in this business for ten years and is still aiming to make it grow to save for her childrens' education and family needs.

She is requesting a loan for 27,000 PHP to improve her vending business by purchasing raw materials needed to make snacks and cook food to sell in the village. According to her, she could achieve her goals in life by being patient and industrious. She knows that God will remain by her side to guide her and her family in reaching their dreams in life.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details