A loan helped to pay administrative costs for her building company.

Maria's story

41-year-old María is a fine woman. She lives with Fredy, her husband of 21 years. The couple have four children who are all dependent upon them. They care for their children in their own home which is located in the city of Huancayo. María finished her higher education and started working as a teacher. Over the years she formed her family. It was suggested that she start managing a driving school, from which she earns a monthly wage. However, her dream was always to own her own business and, with the help of her husband who is a professor at a state university, they started a construction company called 'Consap' which carries out work with municipal governments from the State of Peru, building roads, carrying out rural electrification work and other infrastructure jobs. They started this work a short while ago and they have a long way to go to consolidate their position. However, they are not discouraged and María is certain that they will be successful.

María belongs to a community bank and this is her seventh loan from MFP. She is happy to be a member of her bank because she will have financial support. In this way, she will feel safe in making progress in her work. For her part, she pledges to make her loan repayments on time. María is happy to be a member of her community bank because all the members are responsible and very supportive people. With your support, María will invest the money she has requested in covering legal expenses related to her business.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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