A loan helped a member to buy hair color, gel, shampoo, make-up and other supplies.

Mujeres Unidas Group's story

The communal bank Mujeres Unidas is located in the city of Luque. The members used to be in another group but decided to continue working in the program through a new group. They are very hard-working women who want to help their families get ahead.

Mrs. Gloria is a hairdresser. She is 39 and married to Gustavo who is a Customs assistant. They have three daughters, a 16-year-old who is in the second year of middle school, another, 14, who is in the 8th grade and the youngest, a 12-year-old who is in 6th grade. She says her daughters are what motivate her to work hard since she wants to give them all she can and not deprive them of anything.

She is requesting a loan through the foundation and Kiva to buy hair color, gel, shampoo, make-up and other necessary supplies for her salon. She knows that this support will help her business greatly.

In this group: Gloria Beatriz, Ramona, Maria, Claudia, Celsa, Noelia, Ignacia, Myrian, Carmen, Elva, Antoliana, Gricelda, Francisca, Elisa, Froilana

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Sherry Bess.

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