A loan helped to buy electronic parts.

Barthélemy's story

Barthélemy is 47 years old. He is married to Ida, a clothier. They support four children, of whom three are their own. The children are all in school. Barthélemy and his wife live in the same house with their children. The various family expenses are covered by the couple.

Barthélemy dropped out of secondary school, and then he learned about electronics, which enables him to satisfy the requirements of his customers and to ensure that family expenses are met. He would like to expand his workshop by stocking up on electronic supplies and equipment in order to respond better to the requirements of his customers. He gets his supplies from Nigeria, a country neighboring Benin.

This is the third time that he has requested financial support from ALIDé with the aim of boosting his business and increasing his customer base and his income.

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Daniel Kuey.

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