A loan helped to buy tobacco.

Celina's story

Señora Celina is a member of the Manos Maravillosas Community Bank located in Calleria district in Ucayali department. She is 44 years old, married, and has two children.

Celina earns a living by selling tobacco which she buys in March and then makes cigarettes to sell mainly to fishermen. Her son helps her run her stall in the local market.

With this S/. 1200 loan she will buy 10 lots of tobacco, 10 sheets of paper, and one bottle of glue. Making the cigarettes is a laborious task but it provides a small income for buying more tobacco and expanding the business.

The business has been in the family for a long time. Celina thanks Kiva partner Manuela Ramos for helping her continue working so that she can help support her family.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Jane A.

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