A loan helped a member to expand her stock of cabbage for reselling.

Dusangire Ii Group's story

Régine is a trader who is 40 years old and lives in the county town of Kayanza province, which lies in the north of Burundi. She has been selling food products, mainly cabbages, for the past 20 years and is at the same time a farmer. She is a widow and mother to four children who are 14, 12, 10 and 6 years old respectively; they are all at school. She attended school up until the fourth year of primary school. She lives in a house which she rents, but hopes that her business will flourish and allow her to buy a piece of land on which she can build her own house.

She is a asking for a Kiva loan in order to increase her capital and expand the amount of cabbage she can buy for reselling in order to make a good profit. She hopes that her business will grow considerably and enable her to pay for her children's schooling.

She is a member of the "Dusangire II" community group.

In this group: Sada, Regine, Josephine, Consolate, Scholastique, Daphrose, Jacqueline, M Goreth, Christine, Ancile, Febronie, Vincent, Denise, Leopold, Wilerme, Adelin, Jeanne, Jovithe, Balthazar, Michel, Pascasie, Felix, Generose, Janviere, Gervais, Marie, Zuena, Fabiola, Sandrine, Zacharie, Soline

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Alison Le Bras.

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