A loan helped to purchase extra goods to sell.

Huth's story

Huth H. is a 43 year-old village woman wH. lives in Siem Reap province. She has tried her utmost to earn money by changing many occupations in order to make money. In the past, she caught fish. Now she runs a small business selling various goods at a wooden kiosk in her community. Her husband is a fisherman wH. works along Tunle Sap River. They are blessed with six children. Two are married and the other four are single. One of them assists with her business.

Because of her smart management, Huth H. has increased the number of new clients coming to buy her products. She has planned to grow her inventory. Huth H. would like to borrow funds from Kiva in order to purchase extra goods in larger amounts than before so that she can satisfy both old and new customers.

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