A loan helped buy materials like: five wool cones, five kilos of alpaca wool as well as baby alpaca wool.

Eliana Gueny's story

Eliana is a member of the “Sweet Dawn” Communal Bank, located in the district and department of Puno. She is 39 years old and lives with her partner; together they have 3 children of school age. Eliana has a college education.

Eliana has worked with the Movimiento Manuela Ramos for over four years. Her first loan of S/ 300.00 nuevo soles was used in her business to sell artisanal products.

With Eliana’s new loan of S/ 1300.00 nuevo soles, she will buy materials like: five wool cones, five kilos of alpaca wool as well as baby alpaca wool, all of it will be used to make sweaters, chullos (woolen hats with earflaps), chalinas (Peruvian scarves), that she will later sell to her customers. Her children help her in the business.

Eliana’s dream is to be a great entrepreneur and to improve her earnings.

What Eliana likes about her communal bank are the meetings and their talks.

Translated from Spanish.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details