A loan helped to buy basic ingredients for food preparation and snacks for resale.

Julia's story

Julia is 54, separated, and lives with the youngest of her three children in her own home. Eight years ago she stared selling food products in her own store, from morning until noon. She also runs a small snack shop within a school complex that is close to her home, and sells to the students and staff of the school. This is how she maintains a stable income. Her son helps with the business and sometimes she has one other person part time. Julia feels that her business is growing and her clientele is stable. This is her tenth credit with her community lender, which has maD. such a difference in the community. She is committed to prompt repayment of the loan, which she will use to buy inventory to supply food and snack items for her businesses.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Matthew Cassetta.

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