A loan helped to buy construction materials and pay wages for some laborers to build a hygienic toilet.

Tuyết's story

Tuyết, at 34, finds herself navigating the intricate web of responsibilities that come with being a wife and mother of four. The family lives in the coastal town of Nghi Son.

Her husband earns a modest living as a seafood trader, while she works as a factory worker. Despite their combined efforts, their income barely stretches to cover the necessities of raising a family, especially with four children attending school. The cost of education, coupled with the daily expenses, weighs heavily on their shoulders, so making ends meet is a constant struggle.

Recently, the condition of their family's sanitation facilities has deteriorated, posing a threat to their health and well-being. Aware of the importance of hygiene, she realizes the urgency of renovating their bathroom. However, the financial strain makes it impossible to undertake such a project without assistance.

To improve their living conditions and safeguard their family's health, she decided to ask for this first loan from Thanh Hoa MFI to purchase construction materials and hire laborers to build a new bathroom. She sees this as an investment in their future, a step towards providing a safer and more comfortable environment for her loved ones.

This loan is special because:

It provides access to clean drinking water and improved sanitation facilities.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details