A loan helped a member buying smoked fish and a sheep to fatten.

Sop Serigne Babacar Sy Group's story

The solidarity group SOP SERIGNE BABACAR SY was created on December 30, 2009. It is composed of seventeen women who are all from the same village. They are united by affinity and kinship. Their business involves small-scale commerce, poultry farming, and the fattening of sheep and cattle.  

Ms. Mareme D. (standing at the far right in the photo) is the group’s leader. She is 49 years old, married, and the mother of six children. She also has two of her grandchildren in her care. Mareme has a small business selling smoked fish.  She also fattens sheep. She has been in this business for over six years.

Using the profits, her goal is to support her husband in providing from the household and to cover the cost of schooling.

In this group: Mareme, Aida Dior, Diarra, Toutou, Mareme, Mame Yomou, Diouma, Ya Faty, Amy, Astou, Sidy Babou, Codou, Dasce, Khady, Anta, Alima, Maty

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Daniel Kuey.

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