A loan helped to buy 100 chickens, 5 pigs, 8 feed packages, 50 hens.

Jose German's story

José, 66, lives in free union and has eight children, whom he managed to get ahead with a lot of effort and dedication. José is a hard-working person who, thanks to this daily effort, has managed to get his family ahead.

José started his poultry business and with great effort, he has overcome many problems he has faced, such as the current drought that is affecting his animals. He lives in the Buenavista municipality.

José wants to take advantage of a loan to buy 100 chickens, 5 pigs, 8 feed packages, and 50 hens. This investment in animals will allow him to increase his production of offspring and with this sell at a good price obtaining good profits.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Soledad Merlo.

This loan is special because:

It helps internally-displaced people in Colombia rebuild and sustain their livelihoods.

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