A loan helped a member to buy more chickens and animal feed to fatten them.

Bellezas De Chama Group's story

Eulalia, who is 21 years old, is the president of the Friendship Bridge loan group called "Bellezas de Chama." She is single and has had the privilege of completing nine years of education. Her biggest dream was to go to secondary school, but her family's lack of resources meant she could not achieve this dream.

Because Eulalia is a visionary woman for generating her own income, six years ago, she decided to start a small chicken farm. She is very well-known in the area, and her animals sell well from her house and in the local market.

She is requesting a Kiva loan to buy more young chicken and animal feed wholesale. Her goal for the future is to have a bigger farm and to save so she can resume her education.

The group includes 13 women who proudly wear their Mayan clothing and speak the Q'eqchi language, in addition to Spanish. All of the members have big hopes for a better future. They work hard in their businesses raising chickens, growing cardamom, and running convenience stores.

They are very thankful for the Kiva loans for providing them with capital for their businesses. The women are stepping up, educating their children, and providing better nutrition and more food for their families. They also learn a lot in their monthly educational trainings about 4 main themes: business, health, family, and women.

These women wish the Kiva lenders a Happy Easter!

In this group: Eulalia , Marcela , Alma Selena , Laura , Magdalena , Margarita , Norma Esperanza, Dominga , Yolanda , Martha , Divia Rocsanda , Juliana , Livia Azucena

Translated from Spanish.

This loan is special because:

Clients receive in-depth trainings on business, health, over-indebtedness, and self-esteem.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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