A loan helped a member to buy potatoes in bulk.

Faraja Terminus Group's story

Madame Esther is a client of Hekima, and leads the village group "Faraja Terminus." She is 32 years old, married, and is the mother of 2 children, one of whom is in school. Her husband is a merchant.

Madame Esther has a business selling a variety of food products. She started this business 5 years ago with startup funds that she received from her husband. Later, she got involved with the Hekima program to get support for her business, and since then she has made gradual progress.

With this new loan, Madame Esther will stock up her business, buying potatoes in bulk. This will reinforce her initial capital. The challenge she faces with the business relates to a lack of customers.

Madame Esther would like her children to continue with their education, and she wants to further develop her business. Finally, she wishes to thank Hekima and its partners for the support they provide to the owners of unbanked businesses in the context of the global Covid-19 crisis. In the photo, you see only the leader of this group, due the need to respect social distancing measures related to Covid-19.

In this group: Erenia, Esther, Amani, Esperence, Josephine, Clementine, Consolee, Furaha, Mukeshimana, Dusabe, Esperence, Edmond, Christine, Denise, Marie, Hamuli, Bihugutu

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Lisa Grobar.

This loan is special because:

It serves entrepreneurs in conflict-affected areas with few opportunities.

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