A loan helped a member to make a capital investment in tires for his work vehicle.

Sacabeños Group's story

The B.C. "sacabeños" is composed of eight members who are friends, neighbors, and relatives. It is directed by Jaime, who is the president of the board.

Jaime is 40 years old, married, and has three children. He is a driver and transports construction materials in the city of Cochabamba. He began this job two years ago with the support of his family.

He will use this loan to buy tires for his work vehicle so that he can work more efficiently. His goals and aspirations are to grow his business, support his family, and eventually have his own transport company. Jaime asks that you continue to trust in his business.

Note: Due to work schedule conflicts, two members could not attend.

In this group: Vladimir, Sonia, Esmeralda, Maria Leila, Hilda, Genesis, Lidia Octavina, Jaime

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Russ Sprinkle.

This loan is special because:

It provides low-income, micro entrepreneurs with loans to increase their income.

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