A loan helped to purchase tomato seeds and mineral fertilizers.

Holishon's story

Holishon is 44 years old, she is married, a mother of four children. Holishon's husband has gone for earnings to the Russian Federation. Livestock raising and farming - vegetable growing - are practiced in the village where Holishon lives with her family. She has 10 years of experience in this field. She is a very hardworking woman. At the present she has 0.5 ha of land to plant. After graduating from school, Holishon's son decided to enter an agricultural college. Holishon supports her son in his decision and plans to expand her business to earn for a good education for her son. Additionally, the marriages of her sons are not far off, saving money needs to be started today.

Holishon wants to purchase tomato seeds and fertilizers to plant the land. Thanks to your assistance, she will be able to collect a good, quality harvest. Your financial assistance is truly important to her.

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Musharraf Bayramova.

This loan is special because:

It supports the well being of women and their families.

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