A loan helped to pay school fees for her children.

Flomena's story

In the serene landscapes of Nandi hills, Flomena navigates the challenges of single parenthood with grace and resilience. As a smallholder farmer, she has honed her skills over the years, nurturing the soil and coaxing forth its bounty to provide for her family. Despite the demanding nature of farming, Flomena's heart beats for her children's education.

With unwavering determination, Flomena recognizes the transformative power of knowledge and endeavors to secure a brighter future for her children through education. Aware of the sacrifices required, she seeks a loan not for personal gain but to ensure her children have access to quality schooling. Her commitment to their education reflects her deep-seated belief in the importance of learning and the opportunities it can unlock.

Flomena's journey embodies the indomitable spirit of a mother striving against the odds to uplift her family and nurture their dreams.

This loan is special because:

It helps children stay in school with money for tuition fees.

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