A loan helped a member to purchase supplies to make food.

Los Amigos 2 Group's story

Patricia Eugenia is 51 years old and lives with her daughter, who is of legal age.

Patricia makes a living selling lunches and coffee. She is very good at her job, which allows her to generate income to help with household responsibilities.

However, she wishes to strengthen her business. This is why she is requesting a loan to buy supplies to make food. With this investment, she hopes to provide greater availability to her clients.

Together with Daniel, Milton and Franklin, Patricia is part of the solidarity group "- LOS AMIGOS 2", a group of responsible people who are after the same goal of getting ahead.

In this group: Milton Heriberto, Daniel Francisco, Franklin Eduardo, Patricia Eugenia

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Valeria Pájaro Rodríguez.

This loan is special because:

It includes access to business education classes.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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