A loan helped to purchase clothing, shoes, perfumes, creams, cosmetics, costume jewelry, handbags, accessories and other gift items.

Diana Audrey's story

Diana Audrey is 40 years old and is in a common-law marriage. She has four children, ages 23, 21, 13 and 11. Her husband is a merchant. They live in Portoviejo, a place with beautiful sites that include country landscapes, beaches and a varied gastronomy, appealing to tourists who visit this beautiful place.

Diana Audrey is a hardworking woman who looks for ways to earn money to help her husband cover their household expenses. She has a small store at her home where she sells clothing, shoes, handbags, gifts and Belcorp products (perfumes, creams, cosmetics and jewelry), among other products. She works every day, always offering the best service to her distinguished customers who keep coming to her store to buy. This is how she manages to keep going, and it is thanks to the help of loans.

The purpose of this loan is to purchase clothing, shoes, perfumes, creams, cosmetics, costume jewelry, handbags, accessories and other gift items.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Nicole Efros.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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