A loan helped to purchase mineral fertilizer.

Muhabbat's story

Nosiri Khusrav is one of the small districts with a low population. Our heroine is from this district. Muhabbat is 42 years old. She is famous in her village as a kind and caring woman. Muhabbat is a family person. She lives with her husband and 5 children.
Her craft is farming. Her father taught her to work as a child, and she is grateful to her father for all her skills. Now those skills help her earn a living. She has already been working the land for 10 years and does not regret it. Of course her husband helps her in her business.
Muhabbat needs financial help. She would like to buy mineral fertilizer to improve her land and thus bring in a good harvest. For this reason, she has turned to you with a big request to help her. Support her!

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Steven McGrath.

This loan is special because:

It supports the well being of women and their families.

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