A loan helped a member to buy dyed fabric, waxes and incense to sell in the boutique.

Randoulene Sud Group's story

The "banc villageois" was started in May 2009. It is made up four women who are busy in retail. They live in the same quarter and its surrounding area.

Mme Madjiguène is a 56 year old woman and the mother of 3 boys who are all in school. She is actively selling dyed fabrics, waxes and incense in her boutique. She is the leader of the group and is on the right side of the photo with one hand raised.

With her loan, she will use the entire credit to buy dyed fabrics, 20 coupons of 5 m of wax and 6 yards of incense for the amount of 100,000 F.

She has a boutique in the local market and a good customer base that has been loyal to her for several years.
She gives the dyed fabrics on credit most of the time, and then recovers the payment within 2 months.

The profits will support her business, and the rest will help her husband with the family expenses.

In this group: Madjiguène, Diarra, Lobé, Aminata

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Monica Seger.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women in rural and suburban Senegal.

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