A loan helped to buy inputs for growing ají peppers.

Graciela Isabel's story

Sra. Graciela is a hardworking woman who is 46 years old, in a common-law relationship, and a mother of three children. She currently lives in the town of La Punta. For the past 11 years, she has dedicated her life to cultivating grains other than rice. Through her work, she has become the primary breadwinner of her family. Her vast farming experience has made her a valuable reference and mentor in her community. She stands out for being one of the primary suppliers of grain.

Graciela is requesting a microloan so that she can integrate cultivating the common ají pepper. This request not only reflects her bravery, but also her vision for the future and the need to evolve in the agricultural industry. Introducing this new crop demonstrates her desire to diversify and improve her family’s finances. This will also expand her offering of products and strengthen her family’s financial situation so that they can have a better quality of life.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

This loan is special because:

Expands access to financial services for rural clients.

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