A loan helped a member to buy more products such as sausages and wholesale dairy products for the warehouse and bird feed.

Mujeres Bendecidas Group's story

Ilma, 68, was widowed nine years ago. Fortunately, she has a large and supportive family that now consists of four married adult children over the age of thirty-six and twelve grandchildren. For forty years, she has been selling clothing and personal care products. She has worked in her small restaurant for fourteen years. She has been raising and selling birds for six years. Currently, Ilma has a small warehouse where she sells convenience store products at the wholesale level. She will use her first Kiva loan to buy more bird feed and products including dairy items and sausages for the convenience stores.

Ilma is the President of the Friendship Bridge Trust Bank “Mujeres Bendecidas” or “Blessed Women”. There seven women in the group, and all live in the department/state of Huehuetenango. They have convenience stores, personal care salons, tortilla shops, and clothing and jewelry shops. Many are like Ilma, who has a sixth grade education, while others have little or none. Their interactive monthly educational training, part of the “Microcredit Plus” program, enables them to learn about effective business management practices, women’s issues, family matters, and health.

Thank you, Kiva lenders, for lending a helping hand to Ilma and her friends! Happy new year to each of you!

In this group: Zuly Jeannet, Ilma, Hilda Mariola, Jackelin Elizabeth , Maria Isabel, Maria Aracely, Yuri Consuelo

This loan is special because:

Clients receive in-depth trainings on business, health, over-indebtedness, and self-esteem.

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