A loan helped to buy study materials and pay for school fees for her two children.

Tuyển's story

Mrs. Tuyển, a 41-year-old woman, has been married and has two children: a 19-year-old attending university and a 12-year-old in secondary school. The family resides in a coastal area in Nghi Son town. Tuyển's husband is a fisherman, while she works as a manual laborer. Despite their combined efforts, their income is just enough to cover their living expenses.

The family's financial situation has become increasingly challenging as their children's educational needs require additional expenses. She is deeply concerned about providing for her children's education, including purchasing study materials and paying for their school fees. In light of these financial constraints, she has applied for this sixth loan from Thanh Hoa MFI to support her children's education.

With the support of lenders, she is able to cover the expenses for her children's education and relieve some of the financial burden on her family.

This loan is special because:

It provides children from low-income families with greater access to education.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details