A loan helped to get goods such as underwear, blouses, t-shirts and trousers among others, to be able to sell and stock her business.

Lisbeth Katherine's story

Lisbeth Katherine lives with her family in Jaramijo. It is a place known for its’ clear water beaches and sulphur springs. Also, for its fishing port where most of the population work in fishing.

Despite of the financial difficulties in her country, she always tries to help her husband with the household costs. For this, she counts on her clothes business. She goes to sell to her customers and charges every two weeks. She also sells on social media. She wants to show her products and get more customers. This is why she hopes that the loans will help her. This will improve her income.

This loan is to get goods such as underwear, blouses, t-shirts and trousers among others, to be able to sell and stock her business.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Erica McLay.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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