A loan helped to introduce new stock and expand his inventory.

Muhumed's story

Meet Muhumed, a dynamic young entrepreneur shaping style and self-expression within the Dagahaley refugee community. As a married father of two and a refugee from Somalia, he has successfully established a thriving clothing store, not just offering garments but a touch of dignity and fashion to those within the camp.

Armed with skills acquired from Inkomoko, he dreams of expanding his store's inventory, adding a new chapter to his entrepreneurial journey. Your support through Kiva can be the catalyst for this positive change.

By featuring his profile on Kiva, Muhumed aims to connect with compassionate lenders who understand the transformative power of supporting small businesses. Join us in empowering his entrepreneurial journey.

This loan is special because:

It helps refugees launch businesses to rebuild their lives.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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