A loan helped to cope with educational expenses and start her studies.

Maisa's story

Maisa is a 19-year-old motivated and enthusiastic future lawyer with an indomitable and hard-working character. She believes in herself and knows that she can face any challenges and difficulties to achieve her high goals. However, this is her first academic year at the university, and she is trying her best to be the best student she can. She lives in a student dormitory. Unfortunately, Maisa does not have enough financing to cover her higher education costs, so she has applied for a student loan. She promises her lenders that she will continue to work hard, appreciate the help, and will be able to repay her lenders soon. Maisa awaits additional support to succeed.

This loan is special because:

It allows low-income students to pursue education and find jobs before repaying.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details