A loan helped to buy supplies and yarn to weave hammocks consistently through the coming year.

Bai's story

Bai takes pleasure in the art of weaving hammocks, a valuable source of income for her. In addition to this, she engages in crafting traditional Mlabri bags as a secondary source of livelihood. The flexibility provided by these creative pursuits has proven to be a lifesaver for Bai, especially considering her daughter's recurrent hospital visits.

Favoring shades of greens and blues, Bai finds joy in the process. Interestingly, she particularly enjoys the intricacies of creating the finished loops at the end of each hammock, which is particularly intricate, adding a unique and personal touch to her craft. The positive impact of her work, coupled with the flexibility it affords her during challenging times, is evident in the support it provides for her family, especially during her daughter's health struggles.

This loan is special because:

It creates employment opportunities for vulnerable populations living in remote rural areas.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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