A loan helped to buy cement, zinc, iron, windows, and bricks.

Gipsy Guadalupe's story

At 21 years old, Gipsy is an education professional. Taking advantage of her profession she has found a job, and strengthens her income with the support of her partner.

Some time ago she began the project of building her home in a space that her mother-in-law gave them. At this moment the work has stopped, due to a lack of material. For this reason, Gipsy has knocked on the doors of MiCrédito with the purpose of requesting Kiva financing, which she plans to use to buy cement, zinc, iron, windows, and bricks. These materials will be essential to continue the work on her home.

Gipsy hopes to finish very soon, to then continue with the construction of the bathroom and kitchen.

Translated from Spanish.

This loan is special because:

It includes access to short-term emergency loans.

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