A loan helped to buy hospital equipment for a clinic.

Domingos's story

Domingos is a 38-year-old gentleman who is a native of Chibuto, in the province of Gaza. He lives common-law in his own house with his wife and 5 children who attend school at various levels. Aside from these, he is not responsible for anyone else.

He works as a locksmith, he has a stall at his house, and he also is the proprietor of a pharmacy.

With the loan amount, he intends to expand his business, buying paraphernalia to equip the dental clinic that he is in process of setting up next to his pharmacy.

This is his second loan. With the first one, he bought medicines for his pharmacy. He has a dream to grow his business in the health sector and, in future, to open a restaurant.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Portuguese by Kiva volunteer Christine Bruggemann.

This loan is special because:

It is targeted at young entrepreneurs to empower them to support their families.

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