A loan helped a member to buy traditional clothing to resell.

Luchadoras Los Cifuentes Group's story

Twenty-four-year-old Domitila is a single woman with no formal education. She attended adult school and has a second grade education. She is motivated and is interested in educating herself. She knows how to read and write. Domitila helps her mother with her animal husbandry business. For four years, she has sold traditional blouses (huipiles), belts (fajas), skirts (cortes) and sweaters.

Domitila sells from her home. Her goals are to increase sales and enlarge her business. She will use her first Kiva loan to buy more clothes to sell. Six Maya K’iche ladies have elected Domitila to be the secretary of their Friendship Bridge Trust Bank, Luchadoras Los Cifuentes. They live in the department/state of Huehuetenango. Some of the ladies sell traditional textiles, while others farm potatoes and string beans, raise chickens, pigs and sheep.

Since many of the women have little or no formal education, they benefit from an interactive monthly educational training. The training covers four topics: business, health, family and women. It is designed by a facilitator who uses pictures, diagrams, role playing and games to share the information. The ladies appreciate these monthly sessions and often share what they learn with family members and friends.

Thank you Kiva lenders, for lending a helping hand to Domitila and her friends. They are opening doors to a brighter future!

In this group: Cirilda , Paula, Santa Cecilia, Rosa , Domitila Beatriz, Santos , Santa Cristina

This loan is special because:

Clients receive in-depth trainings on business, health, over-indebtedness, and self-esteem.

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