A loan helped a member to buy house sheets.

Campo Bello Group's story

Wilmer Alexander is 26 years old. He has a partner and a daughter who is nine years old. He doesn’t have any family abroad.

He works as a construction worker, and his work hours are from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. This work allows him to generate income to handle his economic responsibilities, but it is insufficient to improve his home. He is asking for a loan to buy house sheets and hopes to cover and protect his house during the winter.

Wilmer dreams of having a dignified home for himself and his family and paying his credit with no problem.

Wilmer, alongside Wendy and Hilda, make up the group “CAMPO BELLO” and are responsible people who are all looking to keep moving forward.

In this group: Wendy Gabriela, Hilda Veronica, Wilmer Alexander

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Nicole Allen.

This loan is special because:

It helps borrowers improve their living conditions and well-being.

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