A loan helped a member to buy items for early stimulation.

Cristo Rey Ii Group's story

Andrea Rosario L. L. is 34 years old and married. She has two dependent children and is pregnant with her third.

Andrea is a member of the "Cristo Rey II" (Christ the King II) community bank and together with her husband, 34 year-old William Ataucusi Revilla, she works to make progress in the project that they have been working on for some time which is an early stimulation center that they run from their own home.

The drive and motivation behind this project are her children: 8 year-old Italo, 4 year-old Dilan and her baby who will be born in the next few days.

(In the photo, Andrea is the lady wearing black pants, a white sweater and a red scarf: the second person along on the right of the photo, standing up). She will use her loan to buy items (recreational games) for the crib or early infant stimulation.

In this group: Andrea Rosario, Elena Esther, Brigida, Alina Dolly, Renee Ulda, Aide Edith, Alejandra Herminia, Rene, Clida, Rocio Del Pilar

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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