A loan helped to purchase a motorcycle that will enhance his transportation to his crops.

Ivan's story

Ivan Dario is a young farmer with 16 years of experience harvesting in Potosi, Nariño. He currently tends to a two-hectare land gifted by his grandmother where he cultivates onions and a small batch of vegetables for his personal consumption. His fields showcase a meticulously planned onion cultivation, with staggered growth for a consistent harvest month to month.

Iván lives with his younger son in a house that is more than four kilometers from his fields. His son attends the local school and helps, when possible, in sustaining the crops

To optimize his efforts, Ivan is seeking a loan of $8.056.021 COP. This financial support will enable him to purchase a motorcycle, enhancing his transportation and significantly boosting his operational efficiency.

This loan is special because:

Loan will be use to finance borrowers motorbikes purchase

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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