A loan helped to pay for motorcycle maintenance.

Jenalyn's story

Jenalyn is 35 years old and relies on her husband's motorcycle for her livelihood. She and her husband have been struggling to make ends meet, and she has recently requested a loan from CEVI in order to pay for the maintenance of the motorcycle.

She has been working hard to keep her motorcycle in good condition in order to ensure that it is able to continue providing a steady income. Jenalyn believes that the loan from CEVI will be instrumental in helping her and her family to make ends meet. She is determined to make sure that her husband's motorcycle is able to continue providing a reliable source of income for her family.

With the help of CEVI, Jenalyn is confident that she can make sure that her family is able to stay afloat.

This loan is special because:

It provides training and capital for this borrower.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details