A loan helped to buy construction materials and pay wages for some laborers to build a hygienic toilet.

Lý's story

Mrs. Lý is 38 years old and a loving mother to three children, all of whom are currently attending school. Her family resides in Hau Loc district, a coastal area, where her husband works as a fisherman. To supplement their income, she works as a garment worker, sewing clothes for a living. Her husband faces the uncertainties of the weather and the unpredictable nature of fishing. Some days, the catch may be plentiful, while other days may yield little to nothing. She understands the importance of supporting her husband's occupation, as it is their main source of income.

Despite the financial constraints, she is determined to improve their living conditions. One major concern for her is the lack of proper sanitation facilities in their home. Recognizing the importance of a clean and hygienic environment for her family's well-being, she decided to take this first loan from Thanh Hoa MFI to build a new bathroom.

The decision to take on additional debt was not an easy one for her. However, she understands that investing in their home is an investment in their family's future. With the new bathroom, she hopes to provide her children with a healthier and more comfortable living environment.

This loan is special because:

It provides access to clean drinking water and improved sanitation facilities.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details