A loan helped a member to purchase of more crates of alcoholic beverages.

Balinaki Development Group-Jinja's story

Betty N. is 32 years old, married, and has five children. She has run her pub in Likolo, Jinja for one year. She began with savings from her teaching job and food sales business. A variety of alcoholic beverages are offered for sale at her pub. Most of her clients are low and middle income earners around Likolo. Given the low remuneration that she receives as a teacher, this business with its 50,000 UGX weekly profits provides additional income to Betty to help her improve her circumstances and those of her family as well.. With proceeds from this loan, Betty says she is going to revamp her business with purchases of more crates of alcoholic beverages to sell at her pub. Betty belongs to Balinaki Development Group-Jinja.

In this group: Betty, Annet, Susan, Paul, Beth, Joy, Edisa, Betty, Patrick, Kitimbo, Irene, Kalimu, Young

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