A loan helped to buy chickens and hens, as well as food and medicine for them.

Cruz Isabel's story

Cruz Isabel and her family live in Riochico, a parish of Portoviejo. It is a place with many natural attractions, with its rich gastronomy and hardworking people who do what is necessary to support their families.

She is a woman who despite her advanced age, seeks a way to make an income so that she can help her family get ahead. She rears chickens and creole hens. She buys her little animals when they are small. She collects their eggs and incubates them. She cares for her small animals for some time and when they are ready to sell, she delivers them to traders who go to her place, or she sells them by the pound to neighbours and people that she knows. This way, she is managing to make a living and this is thanks to the help that is provided by the loans.

This loan is to buy chickens and hens, as well as food and medicine for them.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Erica McLay.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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