A loan helped a member to purchase merchandise to grow their business.

Poderosas Z Group's story

Mrs. Zulema Juana, 54 years old, with two children and single, works selling women's clothing online, following her customers' orders. She started her business by selling in her neighborhood, then online. She is doing well. She gets up early, to get ready to carry out her sales.

Her previous loan was used to increase her merchandise and to stock up. This loan will be used to purchase merchandise to grow her business.

She met her group because they are friends and family. Her goal in relation to this loan is to finish her house with the profit from the merchandise sold. Her goal in relation to her life and her family is to be a wholesale distributor, and to travel and bring more merchandise.

In this group: Zulema Juana, Jonas Percy, Maria Jannet, Julia, Martha Marina, Ivonne, Martha Judith, Fabricio Augusto

Translated from Spanish.

This loan is special because:

It provides low-income, micro entrepreneurs with loans to increase their income.

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