A loan helped me buy a cargo trailer to create a mobile retail space for my art.

Aixa's story

I've been passionate about handmade art throughout my life -- what started as a hobby to de-stress from my occupation in the veterinary field has now grown into a part-time small business.

I love participating in local art markets; it is exceptionally fulfilling to connect with the community while showing them my art and creating custom arrangements.

Moving forward, I have a dream of scaling my small business by attending larger markets in order to share my art beyond my locale.

By purchasing a enclosed cargo trailer, not only am I able to transport my artwork further distances, but can equip the trailer to work as a mobile miniature gallery.

I thank you so very much for your support!!

This loan is special because:

It supports a small business owner with 0%-interest, zero-fee capital.

Loan details

About Stump and Roots LLC

Industry: Arts
Years in operation: 1 year - 3 years
Website: stumpandroots.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details