A loan helped a member to buy fresh fruits and vegetables to sell.

San Francisco Group's story

This group is called San Francisco, formed of women inspired by a better quality of life for their families, so they do not forgo any needs or lack anything. They are within the poverty elimination program, fighting for a better future for their loved ones.

Worth mentioning among them is Ninfa Raquel, who works selling fresh fruits and vegetables and comments that she has a modest stand where she offers fresh products to her customers.

She started with very little and kept growing thanks to her effort and daily persistence. She mentions that her goal is to improve her business and in this way keep helping her family.

She is happy to work in unity with the group, which will be of great help for her to improve as she has been doing, and with this keep covering her family's needs.

She requested this loan to buy more fruits and vegetables in order to invest in her business and have more variety to offer her customers.

In this group: Dora, Raquel, Carmen Lucia, Ninfa Raquel, Lisa Josefina, Maria Fatima, Porfiria, Estela Mari, Emilce Noemi, Silvana, Micaela Elizabeth, Liz Mar, Blanca Nieve, Rosa Cristina

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Julie Arenson.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by an industry leading poverty-elimination program.

Loan details

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