A loan helped a member to get operating capital to improve the construction tools.

Rosales Group's story

Juan Pablo, a hardworking and visionary man with construction knowledge, has worked for over 20 years renting out construction machinery such as braces, scaffolding, etc. His spouse works providing cleaning services in houses and offices. Between the two of them, they contribute to the household finances and offer the security and stability their child, who is in the last stage of school, needs.

He and some friends formed the group Rosales with the intention of cooperating amongst themselves to be able to improve their businesses. In this way, they come to Sembrar Sartawi IFD where they get advising and financing necessary to get the operating capital he needs to get operating capital to purchase and improve the construction tools.

In this group: Ismael, Zonia, Rodrigo Julian, Juan Pablo , Fabian Fabricio, Rosmery Isabel , Carmen Laura, Paulo

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Wendy H.

This loan is special because:

It allows financially marginalized people to access loans and training through communal banks.

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